
Сор,на устную часть надо подготовить 5-6 предложений на пересказ о любимом фильме или о любимом актере (актрисе) на анг

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17.03.2023, проверен экспертом
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My favourite actor is Leonardo Dicaprio.He is an American actor, born in 1974 (one thousand nine hundred seventy fourth).He starred in many films, the most popular is "Titanic".He was 21 (twenty-one) when he starred in titanic, and now he is 48 (forty-eight). I would recommend watching movies with him because he is very talented.I like his work.
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My favorite movie is avatar. This is science fiction. Everything happens in the distant future, the main character Jake Sully gets on Pandora. Aborigines live there, but not like people, they are 3 meters tall, their skin is blue and they have 4 fingers on their hands and their appearance is feline. The main character goes in this guise. So he finds a local Aboriginal woman who saves him (her name is Neytiri) and leads her to his village, but she was the daughter of the leader, after he was accepted to them and he began to undergo training. But the heavenly people (we) are planning to cut down and ruin the preroda, but Jake will prevent this and save the na'vi (the so-called aborigines). After Jake and Chief Neytiri's daughter get married, and what happened next can be found out in the second part


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1) I live in the country.

2) I can read and write.

3) I do not like jam and carrots.

4) I have got a friend.

5) I visit my friend on Sundays.

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Gradable adjectives

1)My teacher was very happy with my homework.

2)That website is reasonably popular. But this one is more popular.

3)He said that Holland was a little  cold and Denmark was rather cold. But Sweden was the coldest.

Non-gradable adjectives

1)It was freezing outside.

2)He is investing in nuclear energy.

3)Her exam results were absolutely awful. She will have to take the exam again.

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"Тысячи подростков страдают избыточным весом, - говорит администратор санатория Мистер Вайт, - многие подростки часто не знают как питаться правильно и оставаться здоровыми, как Карена". Карене было 13 лет.Она весила 110 кг и была ростом 1м 55см. Карен обычно ела большую миску овсянки с несколькими ложками сахара на завтрак. В школе она всегда покупала шоколад на перемене и во время ланча она ела жареного цыпленка и жареный картофель.  Во время ужина Карена обычно ела много жареной еды, и она часто съедала пакет печенья или коробку шоколадных конфет перед телевизором. Иногда она покупала Китайскую еду или пицу перед тем, как ложиться спать. Карена никогда не ела фрукты и очень редко свежие овощи. Ее основное упражнение было - переключать телевизионные каналы или открывание дверцы холодильника. Санаторий Карене с ее диетой и с планом занятий. Сейчас она ест много фруктов и овощей и постоянно ходит плавать - до этого она никогда не занималась спортом, поэтому она всегда беспокоилась о своем размере. Сейчас она весит 60 кг и все еще теряет вес. Мистер Вайт говорит:"Подростки часто приходят в санаторий подавленные и неуверенные. Когда они покидают нас, они обычно счастливие и намного уверенее в себе".

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-Daughter you all right? You look bad, you've got any problems?

-Mom, please call your doctor and consult him about the pain in his chest. Yesterday I was very cold. 

-Honey, the doctor asks: do you have a cough? 

-Yes, I have a cough. Has high temperature and headache. 

-Now I go to the drugstore and buy you a cough medicine, and you at that time Hot Hour drink with honey. Today, you still will go to the doctor. 

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I think it is impossible to live in our modern word without travelling because there are many interesting places to visit and see. Railway and bus stations, airports and seaport are busier in summer than in other seasons of a year because of school holidays. Travelling is the best way of spending holidays because you can visit different interesting places in your country and abroad. I prefer to travel by train because I like to look out of the  window and watch the nature and a lot of small towns and villages. Of course, I usually travel with my parents because I am a teenager and my parents don’t allow me to travel by myself. I have already been in Moscow, Berlin, Volgograd,  Saratov. I have never been to London. It’s my dream. Seaside is better to travel in summer because you can swim and dive, sunbathe and relax. My parents and I always take a camera with us when we are going to travel because we like to take photos very much. To my mind it is better to travel for pleasure because you may relax and don’t think about business.  
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Моя мама самая лучшая в мире! Она красивая.

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1) I see a black tulip and a red tulip

2)Nick is a good pupil and Tom is a bad pupil / Tom is a good pupil and Nick is a bad pupil

3)Bob is not a good student, he is a bad student./ Bob is not a bad student, he is a good student.


 That's all!

 Good luck!

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 "May Day".

It was a perfect day for a family barbecue.The sun was shining and it was getting hotter  and hotter.When I came,everybody was already enjoying themselves.They weren*t eating yet.My mother was putting some cake onthe table while my uncle was serving some grilled chicken to my ount.The twins were playing with flags and asking for hamburgers.They weren*t quarrelling as usual,they were laughing and having a good time.

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I)I had to get up at eight o clock last monday 

2) We did not have to go to school last week
3)Did you have to clean your room on Saturday?
4)I had to phone my friend yesterday 
5)my mother had to work last Sunday